Thursday, September 29, 2016

By reading these, perhaps I can develop a typewriter bone!

Found in the bins.  Today the Nostradamus turned up. The other is from 1920, found last Summer.

Monday, September 19, 2016

mid-century potions tool

As I await the 1946 edition of the Mr. Boston Baratender's Guide, today the mail brought this jigger measure.  I have no clear idea of how old this is.  Some etsy seller claimed 1940's, but from the documentation it could go two decades either way.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

"I feel like I need to get a typewriter right now."

That's what the girl said as she walked away with her group.  She was the one who typed about going to a baptism.
We were supposed to work registration, but the lead or whatever had us go to the driveway of a hotel nearby and keep the participants from getting creamed.  I had brought the underwood 319 to load up with a registration paper.  With the change in assignment I just put it out on a sturdy post for people to type whatever they felt like.  It was mildly popular.  Some pics may turn up, which I'll post if I can.  My phone was acting up so I didn't get any myself until we got home.

Sunday, September 4, 2016


Close enough.  I do need to address that scanner driver/Win10 issue. 

Sorry, I didn't test it.  I did take home a nice shirt and a new belt.

Here's a manual - oh wait...

In addition to these, there were also an SCM and a Royal.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

left behind, but still cool.

I still don't' buy every typewriter that shows up in the bins, but if I can, I get a photo for you.  It's been a while, (I think I bought the last one, a brother) but today I saw a familiar case and guessed correctly what it would look like, but not the model name.  I'd never seen a "Super 12" before.

It looks just like the Silent-Super that was my very first bin find.  It also had a very musty smell, and I've dealt with that too often to do it again.