Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I still hope the type-in is taking place this weekend, but i didn't retain the location or time.  If it's on, ill pick up my newest buy,an Erika.  it looks ok except missing the top cover.  take a look.  they will let me pick it up saturday by arrangement.


so who is in?  and where should i appear at what time?  seems to me noon was mentioned?


  1. That's a nice find!

    Time and time again, I am reminded how Fort Wayne, IN is a complete desert for almost any kind of typewriter...

  2. I sent a letter to Ryan last week asking if it is still on. If I hear anything I will make sure you know.

  3. It is still on! I was thinking about making it a monthly thing, where you come down if you happen to be free that weekend. Saturday, noonish, Inner Chapters books on Fairview in Seattle.

  4. ok great - see you saturday!
    has it been posted to the yahoo groups?

  5. I'd love to get a headcount, but I think it shouldn't be an issue.


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