Friday, March 4, 2011

College symphony concert and the new Royalite


fifty bucks!  the small one was a shop here in Tacoma


  1. Too bad that thing types poorly. It sure looks cool.

  2. I briefly owned a Royalite identical to this one. Typing on it was...unpleasant, shall we say. Cute little thing, though. I ended up selling it for the price I'd paid for it (not much) to a young woman who was taken by how adorable it was, so it worked out.

    The typing booklet and receipt are interesting additions! I think you should call it Esther after its first owner. ;)

  3. I like that naming idea. So apparently the Royalite is just not a great model. If/when I sell it the receipt stays with it but I have a Remette so I need that book.

  4. Calling it Esther would be an insult to the name. I bought a Royalite last year and, after just a few words, discovered that writing with it was downright ugly. I was tempted to toss it, but, not wanting to raise the landfill, I strung a new ribbon on it and gave it away. The loss was worth every penny.

  5. I always love to see (and collect) the associated paper. Nice to see you featured it here in your article.

  6. I have a Deluxe Remette. Could you email pages 26-27 to I would love to know its features.


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