Monday, June 13, 2011

Major Score!

The legend "Media" is barely perceptible under "Hermes" on the front.
I'm not playing with alternative methods, I just didn't have access to the scanner at the time.

this is the case I saw on the shelf

This is what's inside


  1. Hermes 2000 - wonderful machine! Odd case, though.

  2. Or, Media, actually, as it lacks a tabulator.

  3. tw-db is a little unclear, but I'm figuring 1957 or 58.

  4. Congratulations! Such a find (or any typewriter find for that matter) isn't even possible at thrift shops here, at least in my experience.

    I'm curious about its working condition.

  5. in Chicago? Really? Is it because there are so many buyers snatching them up?

  6. I've never seen one in any Goodwill store and other thrift shops. I keep wishing I'll find a $10 Olympia or something but I've accepted that I might not be in the right place.

    My guess is that there are some folks here who snap them up as antiques or decor, not really to collect or for typecasting.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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