Wednesday, June 8, 2011

still tapping on the glass


  1. Pearl seems to do quite well. Often a Corona 3 is nonfunctional at this point in its long life.

  2. The copper-hued patina on Pearl's keys is really nice.

  3. This is totally off topic, but I want to see more of your hand carved stamps.

  4. Really love this. I've been watching for one to come up in my neck of the woods (within reasonable financial grasp) but have come up empty. Still looking.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm certainly aware of my luck with this one, it was an early buy ($17!), that I was able to pick up locally. The carriage gets stuck sometimes, as if at the end of the line. I haven't figured out why.
    strikethru - thanks for the encouragement. I recently found my tools and unused carving medium...


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