Tuesday, August 2, 2011

too good not to share

College Newspaper goes old-school:
Highly amusing article.  the G+ typosphere has been commenting.  I wanted to make sure this made its way to Richard and Robert.
except..am I turning into a "creepy old craigslist guy?"

I think I'm offended now!


  1. What a great project! Thanks for sharing.

    But please don't tell me I've got to join Google+ to stay connected to the typosphere. No! No more social media!


  2. Richard! We miss you on Google+, it is ever so much fun :)

    You're missing out on a few fun discussions (and the occasional video conference chat), but I don't think any of us will be abandoning our blogs anytime soon, so we're still here.

  3. no pressure from me, Richard. Glad you got to see this. I know Robert M. would enjoy it too.

  4. http://www.persistingstars.com/2011/08/zigzag-happiness/

  5. thanks, that's very nice. I've forwarded to the others.

  6. Richard Polt! Get thyself to G+ stat! (Kidding. But we'll talk you into it somehow)


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