Thursday, February 2, 2012

Strike Force deployed

I wanted to celebrate ITAM by getting some machines into service, so I checked the Tacoma School Of The Arts (SOTA) staff list for a writing teacher who might be interested.  Finding one, I used her web form to send the following text:

I also included links to typosphere blog and to my own.
Two days later I had this response:

And today I delivered the squad to its base:

She says she will let me know how it's going and I can share pics and quotes (as above).  Since the semester is longer than ITAM, there may not be much to report during the month, but if there is, I will share it here.


  1. What a great, good deed! And how delightful that you got such a positive response!

    I have given three typewriters to my daughter's school (one for the librarian, two for Language Arts teachers), and offered one to the creative writing teacher with no reply. I am not aware than any of these machines have gotten any use. However, if they were actually made available to students, I bet there would be happy clicks and dings.

    Keep us posted if you get more news about the Strike Force.

  2. Oh wow, this is great!
    Today will be a day long remembered. It has seen the rise of the Strike Force, and soon the fall of the rebellion. Darth Vader.

  3. What a generous move, Peter! Those kids will remember you for a long, long time to come - and you have officially won ITAM 2012. Ryan will be so pleased to see how his example has inspired you and Ms. Boone.

  4. Simply amazing and the perfect example to follow for ITAM!!!

  5. That is great! It is nice to see when students get involved in something old new or is it new old. I'd like to have the time to get something started here. As it is I do not even get to help with the radio classes the radio club teaches for the schools. Great work. I look forward to future reports.

  6. Whoa...way to go! This is very cool. Can't wait to hear more about how all this goes!

  7. That is really, really cool! I wish I had such a writing class when I was in school! Neat idea!

  8. Very nice! I hope the kids enjoy the experience.

  9. That's just awesome! Those kids will never forget the days spent using a typewriter. It's a very kind gesture from you sharing your typewriters with a generation to whom this machines are something unknown.

  10. Peter, I am so happy to see something like this blossom! Great job!


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