Sunday, April 29, 2012

tiny typer comparison

Inspired by Adwoa's latest acquisition, I typed the following out of my big noiseless with tiny gothic type.
My excuse for typos is that the ribbon vibrator sometimes stays up in the way. Yeah.

"Only" 16 pitch, measured with an early wood slide rule.


  1. I vote for Adwoa's typeface to be smaller although I really like the typeface on your typewriter.

  2. It will be nice to see them side by side!

  3. I know she wins on pitch but I'm curious about height as well. I like both curiosities.

  4. Petite Elite, I love it!

    It will be nice to see the Whispering Giant's gothic typeface up close, and I can type on your letter when I receive it so we can see both on the same page!


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