Sunday, June 24, 2012

Intercontinental Type-in

We toured the museum before Maschinegeschrieben arrived, and then we went to the garden for a type-in with the turtles.  After typing awhile there, away we went to the typewriter-friendly coffee shop around the corner, then returned to work on the stuck Ico.  A good time was had by all.
Here's the story in pictures:


  1. Seems you are having one fantastic trip.

  2. Wow! You got to play with an Olivetti MP1 and a machine with fractur in the same day. Combined with good company, that had to be a great day.

    I'm glad the Smith Corona found its way to a new home where it will be well used.

  3. I am in presence of the author of this blog entry and we are still typing!

  4. Glad I could be there in spirit! I was thinking of you all, too :)

    Hey, does this mean Georg has my Galaxie???

  5. He actually carried it to the car for me, while I carried your Voss. So we really need to meet up tomorrow so I'm not carrying them, unless you want to come to Crassier for them.

  6. I have a Voss? I thought Georg had wanted to keep it... oh, well, the more typewriters the merrier!

    Would love to meet up tomorrow, anytime after 6pm, just let me know when and where. Otherwise if you want to drop them off at 8h30 before going sightseeing, that option is still open too. I shall give you a call this evening.


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