Saturday, June 9, 2012

nearly there

I need to cut swatches for the back, and I think I'll do a "bra" to smooth the front.  Then I just need to figure out what, if anything, I do with that front name panel.  Maybe just a strip underneath and leave the rusty panel, or perhaps wood grain shelf paper.  Anyway, it's just for fun and I consider it a "proof of concept" for more talented crafters. 
Here are the latest pics:


  1. Weird and wonderful. This always needs to be photographed in a mahogany-paneled room with a tumbler of bourbon on the side.

  2. I must say, that 'Limited Edition' plaque on the paper table is classy as hell. Most impressive.

  3. Very interesting! And...what Mike said. Heh...

  4. Oh, this is interesting! Never thought of this myself... Hmmmm..... Hmmmm. I have ideas now.

    Looking forward to seeing what the result is.

    BTW... Are you adhering this? Auto makers use a heat gun to heat the leather or vinyl when stretching it across a surface to adhere it. Just thought it might be worth a mention.

  5. Thanks, I hoped it would prove popular. That plaque is by the same co. that makes the "turbo" one Richard used on the Purple Prose Producer. I knew I had to use it for this one.
    I didn't know that about heat, I may try it with the remaining pieces.

  6. I think heat would make the leather less pliable, though it is vital for applying vinyl graphics. If anything, wetting the leather might help around the tight curves. But hey, you are nearly there now and it is looking damn fine!

  7. Hey, that's looking really good.


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