Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Typewriter Day run-up

I could say I've been celebrating Typewriter Day all week but I confess I would have missed it if not for the reminder on Welcome to the Typosphere.  Fortunately I only have to catch up on posts, not activity.
I have done a great deal of public typing this week, starting with SeaTac airport and ending up getting looks in downtown Zürich.  So just to get them out there, I'll just post the whole crop now.


  1. I was going to guess Smith-Corona Artisan for the first part and then I saw your Smith-Corona in the photo.

    Sounds like you and Florian had a good time.

    Congratulations on getting the Swissa.

  2. Aw yeah, my man Peter is sporting a Swissa Junior! You're gonna be loving that machine :D

    I've seen that Smith-Corona cursive font on a 50's Underwood Leader before. I wonder who the type foundry was?

  3. Great shot of the Chrysler Building (my favorite too).

    The Swissa is a beaut!

  4. I agree with the Swissa comments. That is a gorgeous machine!

    Also, I'll have to say that I am utterly jealous of that variety of cursive. The Royal Vogue obsession is satisfied but this one is still on my list.

  5. Very, very nice score on the Swissa, Peter!!! I rarely see those beautiful turquoise ones in the wild, so you are very fortunate to have come across one on your first outing. That is some serious mojo.

    Looking forward to seeing you whenever you can make it to Geneva; on Monday all the thrift stores are closed, but if I find anything this weekend I will hold it for you. CHF 35 for a Hermes Baby (especially if it was green, not gray, but you don't mention it) is steep but not completely unreasonable, since you don't have time to hunt for several months. Well, we'll see if any better-priced ones pop up here over the weekend.

  6. P.S. I would have loved to see pictures of the sewing machines! (And of the other typewriters you passed up too, for that matter.)

  7. I'm glad to see the weather was better when you typed by the Limmat. :)
    You chose a very nice place for your public typing! The Big Apple looks nice as well.


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