Tuesday, August 7, 2012

National Night Out

Here's our route: http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/fullscreen/122240965/

I had to re-thread the ribbon in the 22, it had been threaded behind the right side of the vibrator and kept tugging it up in the way of the line of type.  Smudges can be seen where I did this, but improvement after.


Dance group

hot shop

hot shop again

protective suit!


My shirt only five bucks, and I got to apply the design myself

last party - I forgot to take pics at the other two

Now I can't put my typewriter away.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun. ANd nice t-shirt design!

  2. Jealous of the shirt. Sell a bunch to the typosphere and get rich!

  3. I love the look of your smeared and dirty type written page. Everything I love about typewriters is right there

    (hence my blogs 'filthy platen' name).

    Looks like awesome fun too.

  4. Nice shirt.
    Looks like a fun time.

  5. I lost a comment, trying to zoom in on the phone. My apologies, please repost, I must have hit delete.


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