Tuesday, September 25, 2012

so you think you can type


  1. I'm kind of doing that myself. I have four machines I'm trying to choose between, but I keep leaning toward the Adler I picked up about a week ago. The last typecast I did I did on her, and she snapped it out faster than anything I've typed on a manual thus far. Plus, my hands aren't aching from using her today. She's been exceptionally well cared for.

  2. Would a spring from a ball-point pen (something like a disposable BIC) work to replace the rubber band? Might need to cut it down and wrestle it into shape with pliers, but who knows?

    1. I usually use those for all my spring-related needs. For this,first I have to work out where it goes and how it's supposed to work. Fortunately I have the left side as a guide. I'm sure I'll post on it.

  3. That is a very nice Woodstock.
    I use piano wire from ACE Hardware to fashion springs, but now all ACE stores stock it.
    I do not have the problem of which machine of mine to choose for November; no time to write that much.

    1. You'd be surprised how much time you can carve out - at least I was.

  4. Nice machine and typeface. I use alcohol too, so handy.
    By the way, your typecasts are noticeably clearer, the new scanner's doing a great job.

  5. I didn't even need to have auditions for Nano. My Olympia SG1 will be snapping out that novel! I was thinking of using a bunch of different machines, but then figuring out an average word count per page would be an issue. So, the SG it is!

    That Woodstock sounds nice. What others were you thinking of using, if not this one?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love the title to this typecast.

    Woodstocks are fine machines, they don't get enough respect, I say.


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