Thursday, October 25, 2012

I hate waiting, don't you?

It looks a much darker charcoal color without the flash reflecting off it.


  1. Nothing worse then the wait..... except for hearing the knock on the door when you're in the bathroom or otherwise pre-occupied and get to the door and find that little "sorry we missed you" note.

  2. It really is the worst! Especially when I get machines from Germany. That takes forever.

    I believe my newest machine has just arrived today (I don't have a mailing address at my house, so I use my parent's...), so I am rather excited. Especially because I wasn't expecting it until Monday!

  3. The waiting game.....I do not know what it is, but after I find a machine online and buy it all of a sudden it seems as though shipping gets very slow. I too hate the wait, but I am not one to pay a premium price for fast delivery.

  4. It's worth the wait unless the box rattles oddly when you pick it off the porch...

    1. Just had that happen yesterday. Nothing worse then hearing that rattle... the suspense of opening the box to see how your machine was mangled is intense.

  5. That's another reasons for why I pick up every typewriter locally. :)


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