Monday, November 26, 2012

voice to text

needs work.  I hadn't "trained" the system so this attempt in the car is not much like what I dictated.   but it did make me laugh.  and i'm putting it in the novel followed by the line "Are you having a stroke?"

I went to a path that the fifth NHL eight to eight am and how to cut a path that ended up at guard interact badly hurt our backpacks of our area for a firefight that if if the police who have high tech office at Rei is that we call her up by at Santa brought in one not have asked how are telling an a variety of last oath-and her have her health or sites and tell her all are at own past hurt by a hair the right or eight year out on a hot of my ticket at S that's it's a Mac down the ramp as Seattle on hand that there are at an accident at buying an exact height of the all Iraq that route eighth got hurt by tactic of that are in up out of the rope are its enactment of a map that have never never land if they if things they weren't going to a pair of it really believe that if the project that


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