Friday, December 7, 2012

news items

 Here's what the local cinema director said about Populaire:
" It does have a US distributor already so it probably has a good chance of playing here at the Grand. There is no release date yet so I couldn't get when that might be." ~Philip, Grand Executive Director

In Seattle we walked past a clothing store with an interesting take on window dressing:
These two pics aren't even half of it.


  1. Outstanding window display. I shudder to think, however, as to what will happen to all those sewing machines once they're done with the display.

    1. they'd just go to a warehouse until th next decorator needs them. I understand there are companies that accumulate things for "ambiance" primarily for themed restaurants.

    2. Thank God! Of course, I didn't think of that. It would explain that display I saw in a department store that had 25 steel chairs arranged with a mid-Seventies Polaroid Land Camera sitting on each one. It would be a great (and maddening) job scouring the planet for these things.

  2. Great to hear that Populaire has a U.S. distributor! I do so hope you get to see it Peter, and even better with a typewriter tucked under your arm to show off to all the other movie-goers!

    I have seen sewing machine displays in shop windows before, although I guess I had not thought of what would happen to the machines once the shop owners decide it is time to change the decor...

  3. I'll be looking for the movie. I thought Adwoa would be jetting her way to the clothing store to stake out a claim on the sewing machines!

  4. There's a theater near me that plays a lot of foreign films --- here's hoping that Populaire will show there!


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