Saturday, January 19, 2013

browsin' around

typed on the pre-war silent
Electress in the background behind this early Stenotype

Saw this at Goodwill the other day.


  1. You know, I think most of us have electrics, whether we admit we love them or not. I just did a deep cleaning of my Selectric 721 and got the double-linefeed working again - now everything is perfect with the crazy machine that I had doubts about even getting to function when I bought it. Every bit as satisfying as any manual I've fixed up, and I think it will probably be my go-to machine for long, extended writing sessions. I have to be honest and say that a Selectric pretty much can't be beat for fatigue-free typing.

    Indulge yourself and get an electric. we'll still respect you in the morning. (:

    1. Not me, although I am tempted... lack of space is really the issue. I would love to have my hands on a Selectric - I have never used one, if you can believe it!

  2. That is a fine looking slide rule. I've thought of adding to the few I have, but I resist the urge. Maybe I will find one locally.

    I keep passing on the only typewriter I have found locally in a thrift shop, an electric Royal. I was so interested in it I do not recall the model. It has been in the store since at least November 2012.

  3. I admit I am curious about that Electress. Buy it and give us a report! :)

  4. Nice metal rule! All mine are plastic.
    And about that electric typewriter, if you like it, there's no reason not to get it! You might enjoy using it, you never know.


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