Wednesday, February 13, 2013

ITAM item - red typewriter


  1. Love it! It has a low and aggressive late '60s stance and the racing stripe just says "Love Me." Or race me. Or type really fast one me... or something like that.

    Yes, I used up all of my functional brain cells at work. The Valentine's Haikus I just typed for my Spousal Unit are somewhat pathetic.

  2. Sears did make nice rebrand shells. That's a great typeface too! You're allowed to make a guess at the date, you can always edit it later if we get better info.

  3. That is quite the spam message - brain dead individuals? Wow. Harsh. Speak of pots calling the kettle black.

    Anyway - yes, I came here to say I love the sans-serif typeface, and the burgundy color. You have picked up some fantastic finds, and I suppose you have the most luck with Smith-Corona and all the variants :) !

  4. Nice looking typewriter. It is probably a Smith-Corona and their serial numbers for the modern machines seem to be untraceable. I have some Classic-12 typewriters and I posted several times in the forums and even the typewriter shop owners on the list have no answers.

  5. Lovin' that racing stripe! My red Brother isn't nearly that cool looking. :P

  6. I like the typeface as well--it's so clean looking. Looks like the kitty approves of this one, too! Who is that?


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