Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Arm the Torpedoes!

sorry about the cellphone pic, it's close to bedtime


  1. nice machines peter! i havent had the opportunity to type on a torpedo yet... one of these days.

  2. Isn't the coral and cream the same as Richard's? Beautiful Torpedo.

  3. That is such a wonderful idea! I just realized I don't have normal-fonted versions of my own script machines - I did at one point, but decided it was a duplication and chose to let go of the regular font machines. Looking forward to the others in the series!

  4. Neat!

    As Ton said, your coral and cream machine script machine is like mine, except that I called it orange and ivory and it doesn't have a tabulator. I'll have to check my serial number.

  5. Nice machine! I'm always jealous of script machines whose letters actually connect.

  6. main course and dessert in two torpedoes - a feast fit for the finest submariner

  7. Great machines. My script Torpedo is cream with a dull gray top that must be changed to something more desert like.


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