Sunday, March 3, 2013

Emerald City ComicCon

The costumed people really are much of the show here

They had several photography alcoves set up but the lighting was not optimal.  This one was uneven and backlit, another was Dark.  The idea was to get them out of traffic.

These were merchandise associated with a property called "Adventures of the 19XX".  I may have to look into it more, the aesthetic is right up my alley.  These people should be running the very disappointing gift shop at the Friedrichshafen Zeppelin Museum.

An artist

I found the comics in the second room.  Several booths like this.

Plenty of eye candy.  Sailor Mercury there is an employee in the booth.

My Niece and her friends

the Tick!
Heading out, bleary-eyed from over-stimulation.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun. I'd like to attend a ComicCon at least once.

  2. Those messenger bags are awesome! Three of our household nerds want them.

    1. I know! Rather pricey though.

    2. You can buy these kind of messenger bags in a lot of army thrift stores. Customize them with your own buttons and you have a neat bag for your laptop!

  3. We had a ComicCon here in my town last year, but I found out about it on the day and had too much else to do. Sounds like a fun time, since everybody there tends to get into the spirit of it all.
    Thanks for the post!
    And yeah, I doubt you would have looked weird using a typewriter among THAT crowd.


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