Tuesday, May 28, 2013

tram-cast and Portland wrap-up

As you can see, when I opened the case, I umped the ribbon selector to "stencil" and had to retype the line.  I had to hurry - it was only a 3 minute trip.  Here are some views from the tram:

 And here are the books I found at Powell's:
 And this is an awesome display they had up:

This Goodwill superstore was just off the bike trail:
 They had some nice stuff:
 Including a typewriter with a really good ribbon:


  1. Mmm, Powell's! I'm going to make it back there one of these days. Nice looking Underwood, but I'm thinking it would have been a bit tricky to pick up on the bike...

  2. I especially enjoyed the display of vintage computing equipment and the reel-to-reel tape recorder. Canon PowerShot SX150 IS :)

  3. Fair price on that Underwood ... and some of those PCs are really looking antique by now. Thanks for sharing.


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