Tuesday, July 23, 2013

finds in an old book

I got a request for a scan from a book that had been in the case of a Royalite back in 2011, and by some miracle I was able to put my hand to it!  Rather than email the requester only, I thought I'd post it here along with a page that impressed me even more.

Isn't that a wonderful regrets note?  The only way to improve upon it would be to type it in Vogue or Art Gothic.


  1. Imagine the invitations and responses via texting....

  2. Agreed Bill, I was just thinking that. These days it'd more likely be a text along the lines of: "thanx but no, soz, fully booked".

  3. And the original would be something like "u want come 4 diner @ my house fri?" Eek!

    Love this post!

  4. The mind reels!! Great post - thanks for sharing!

  5. "The gods see fit to offer us"? I love it! I wonder, did anyone ever actually type these words??

    1. Haha! Don't forget, "and lament" that the gods see fit for us.

      Interesting piece of ephemera.

  6. What a fantastic example of typewritten social etiquette!

  7. Thank you SO much! I have a Deluxe Remette, from the first month of production. I bought a copy of a touch-typing book (published by Remington) but it turns out to have been post-war...oops. Thanks again!


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