Monday, September 2, 2013

Holiday Bikecast

beaver dam

beaver damage

iced mocha


I went to Goodwill after, and found an electric typewriter I didn't bring home (besides being electric, I plugged it in and didn't get a hum so it was more a doorstop at that point, though I may have tried a dead outlet), but I thought it would be a good guessing game.  Who made it?  I'll save the revealing pic for next post.

First clue, here's the keyboard.

 second clue - ball element


  1. That looks like a really pleasant outing.

    The electric typewriter is some kind of Olivetti. Interesting design!

  2. I think it is a Smith-Corona Vantage, made in the mid-1980s.

  3. I think it is a Smith-Corona Vantage, made in the mid-1980s.

  4. Looks like you had a nice ride. The keys look like the ones on my Praxis, only brown instead of green tops, so I am going to guess Olivetti.


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