Friday, October 25, 2013


Where that light is glowing leads to the bathroom

In the background is a huge shower

suitable for entertaining

crosswalk to a hedge?

Jackrabbits were busy in the morning
drowning risk appears to be largely a matter of timing

Mockingbird had a nice song


  1. Very nice photos. Glad you had a good time.
    The moon and mountain remind be of Ansel Adams' Moon Over Vegas photo.

    What I like about the casinos is the free food. Unless they have stopped that.

    1. The buffet we went to wasn't free, but I am told I missed out on free drinks in the casino.

  2. What a sweet suite!

    The moon rising over the barren mountains with greenery in the foreground is a bizarre sight.

  3. Looks like a wonderful trip. I have to be in the mood to go down the rabbit hole of the casinos, so it's good that there's plenty of other things to do in Sin City. I'm surprised you didn't hit a Goodwill or two, just to scope out the scene. (:

    1. I had intended to but didn't have a car. We saw one from the van on the way to the airport.

  4. Others have already commented on them, but my favorite photos are the ones with the moon. Looks like something out of a sci-fi movie about another planet, but it's really cool looking. Also like those quirky bike racks.


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