Sunday, April 13, 2014

Marine parade

Note the Olympic mountains at upper left.

Princesses of course

Coolest decoration - the octopus rotated.

They had the gate open and allowed us to bike through to the park without going over the hill!

The Tacoma Art Museum has an artist calling for blankets for a big project.  Click here for link.  I filled in the form while we were out.  We like to leave little bits of ourselves all over town when invited.


  1. That scenic view with Mount Rainier (I Googled the name!) in the backdrop is beautiful.

    1. Good for you figuring it out. Its real name is Mt. Tacoma.

  2. Hey! Nice little cursive machine. And it looks like a great day has been had!

  3. And that photo with the mountain in the background is amazing.


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