Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tacoma Tweed Ride

"border collies" keep the herd together.

That's one of our Councilmen.

These gents have a vintage clothing shop in town that sponsored the ride.
In addition to my own, many others were shooting.  There's a nice one of me typing in a flickr set of a talented local photographer, Carla Gramlich. 


  1. Nice one, NA! That Remington looks shiny too. Amazing that it stayed put while riding. Nice.

  2. Nice ride. Looks like you found a good match for bicycle typing.

  3. Now there's a proper gent at his velocipede-mounted writing machine:


  4. Go the tweed ride, what a great idea! I cycle to work each day and like nothing more than to read about adventures mixing bikes and typewriters. Keep up the good work.


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