Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

Today i had a brainwave, and held my extra paper in with a magnet.  Great thing about the typewriter, a magnet won't corrupt your data.  I had another idea too, putting duct tape in four corners of the underside so it slides less on my bike rack.  That worked almost as well as the magnet.

Our particular friend is right rear on guitar.  They were playing big band music.  Love that stuff.


  1. Happy Independence Day! :D

  2. Big Band music sounds fitting for the 4th. I enjoy it quite a bit. That Westboro gang and spin-offs get to be a drag. I guess none of them read the Bible since the Bible does not teach hate.

    I generally pack a few sheets of paper in the lid of my Skyriters. Depending on the weight of the paper I can carry quite a few sheets in a big brown envelope.

    Hope you had a wonderful and enjoyable 4th.


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