Saturday, August 30, 2014

double bikecast

The machine I used yesterday on the trail (the Rocket) had a bikecast still in it that I was supposed to have posted about April 25, but instead I got sidetracked and had a bigger post on May 1 which you may remember.  Young Miles still tries to take his Royal everywhere, which is great for the rest of us because who's going to be mean to him about it?

To bring this full circle, I just this week told Chef that the date was set for the type-in, and he wants to bring Miles.  Now that the outdoor venue is decided, we just have to watch the weather in case we need to move it in to shelter.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

comp day

I was going to tag the typosphere on a strictly voluntary basis but I'm so unhappy with the video I just said forget it.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Favorite author

The setup:  The main character and friend are seeking the next link in the story he's researching on right-wing activities in the future (2003, iirc).  The US has splintered so the original 13 colonies are one governed zone, and they are in New Jersey.

They find him inside dealing a crooked game of Hearts.  What I love about this is that he just tosses it in for color, and then it's done and back to the plot.  They only take about three pages getting though the casino to talk to their man, but it's all funny.  A lot of times the joke passes in a sentence or two of passing conversation, not even with the character but heard by him or her.  Brilliant.  Goulart is also my writing hero for the career he's had.  He's done nonfiction also, as well as mysteries and even ghosted for others.  The man works steady and I'd love to know how he managed that career.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Topical sci-fi radio show from 1953 - drones

Tales of Tomorrow - Watch Bird

I'm up too late already due to third thursday activities here in Tacoma, but I heard this today and wanted to share before I forgot.

It's a really interesting short story about drones used for crime prevention.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Acquisition weekend

Today I picked up a couple of shopgoodwill wins.  Here's the typecast.

Here's the slide rule:

Last night my gaming friend gave me the sourcebook for a game I didn't know existed.  Some readers may get a kick out of it.  Once I run a game with it I'll type it up as a story.