Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kidical Mass ride, and leftovers


I forgot to post two pics from my stop at the SVdP in the Kenmore area, of an Olivetti Summa calculator and a Royal HH.

They  priced this at $24.99.  Too much for what I consider a novelty.  My desk calculator at work is an Olivetti Logos 41PD (Bellini design).

Would you or anyone pay $50 for an HH?  I couldn't see the typeface or test functionality as this shelf was over my head.


  1. hey, I just found an Olivetti Prima 20 calculator myself this week. $3 was a much better price (:

  2. A calculator fitting for Ton S.
    Looks like you had a wonderful day.
    I'll be doing Field Day after Mid-Night Saturday from our club AF2C. CW ends of the bands of course.


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