Sunday, August 2, 2015

Not idle

So, I've had a hellish month at work, in which the customer has not been timely or forthcoming with their changes and everyone downstream thinks *we* are holding out on them.  I haven't had much left in the tank for blogging, but that doesn't mean my typewriters are neglected.

I'm not sure I mentioned it before, but I'm presenting at Oly Zine Fest on the topic of typewriters, as zine and other self-publishers are an important part of the typewriter resurgence.  To that end, I participated in the Nearsighted Narwhal's 24 Hour Zine Challenge to produce a little booklet to both guide my talk and to give as a handout.  I even left a few there to try to sell.  Ossain Avila Cardenas there at the shop was very helpful in designing the cover for me.  He has a good eye and knowledge of what moves in the shop.

As with last year, I brought typewriters for the other participants to use.  I have an SM-7 there for sale anyway, to which I added the Royal HH, a 50's QDL, a 60's Script Aristocrat, the no-cover plastic Rocket, and a big Underwood 150, whose logo, you may recall, was used in a cafepress store (Thanks Richard, that's still one of my favorite mugs).  The difference this year was they were all for sale.  The Underwood and the QDL each sold for twenty bucks!  Another participant (who seems also to be helping in the shop) also brought two typewriters - a Galaxie and a Selectric.  I used the Selectric for part of my zine.


  1. Good to see you're still typin' & now pubin'! I hope the work situation improves soon. (:

  2. Hang in there, NA! And nice work with the 'zine, too!


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