Monday, November 30, 2015

Crossed the finish line but still running

I reached 50,000 words last night, the first time I've ever finished early I believe. On the other hand, I still need to wrap up the storyline.  So I allowed myself a little time for a celebratory post before climbing that last hill.

This paper below was in the case.  I found it amusing.
This sheet was inside the case.


  1. Congratulations!

    You and Ted are making me curious about these '80s electronic gadgets.

  2. Congratulations! I once typed a few sentences on such a machine. It was slow typing; no pleasure for me. I hope you enjoyed it!

    1. It was not "fun" but better than my Alphasmart 3000.

  3. Don't forget the wonders of fax paper rolls for these thermal baby wedges - no ribbon needed. A wire hanger and some tin tape makes for a nice temporary BAROP holder for Nano.. :D

    It seems the Typestar ribbons are rarer than the Brother ones (I find them on ebay often for a few bucks each, and sometimes find the carts in thrifts too). It's a shame they aren't compatible.

    1. Thanks Ted - I had a bit of thermal calc paper for the Sharp pocket computer and it did produce legible text.

  4. Well done Peter - I'm always in awe of those who go the distance!

  5. Great job on 50k words! I was never one for NaNoWriMo. We always had final exams in college around that time.


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