Monday, October 24, 2011

heavy iron

quick tryout of two anvilesque standards and something I thought of on our walk home from the store with bananas for the week.


  1. Ahh, fruit poetry. You don't see much of it anymore. Nicely done.

  2. Mmmm, banana bread. Worth waiting a week for!

  3. Bananas, the antithesis of stoplights.

    Green means wait.
    Yellow means go!
    Red means, where did you get that banana???

  4. I just never did understand why Royal touted the Magic Margin system so. For me, the Underwood margins sitting right above the keyboard were the most convenient. Hermes has those neat red ribbons in the paper bail that seems to make them more useful. In the late 60's we got new Royal 440's in high in typing class and some kid was always screwing up one of the Magic Margins playing with it!

  5. I've had nothing but trouble with the Tragic Margin system. My 440 is - I hope - being used for hip-hop lyrics at a nonprofit now.


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