Friday, October 28, 2011

now what? and more NaNo prep

One of my schemes (scams) is short names for typing, to be updated in editing.


  1. Have you ever tried Although it seems largely oriented toward sci-fi/fantasy writers, there are some good "generators" for common, human names.

  2. "Chet Davenport" sounds rather Buzz Lightyear-ish -- kinda cool!

    "Richard Hedd" without the Dick might be slightly less obvious, but would that be too drastic of a procedure? ;-)

  3. I'm horrible at names, just awful. This year I've been mining my spam folder for names for all my secondary and ancillary characters. Except for Nigerian princes, this should work perfectly.

  4. I love the idea of the spam folder. I was going to look at the old cemetery.

  5. I'm still unsure if I participate, at least I'll try, and my plot changes all the time, but I think I'll be calling my (maybe only character with a name) "Anna".

  6. in last year's novel none of the characters have both names. I just didn't bother.


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