Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bond for a Day - Part I

 I have been rereading the Bond novels in order lately and with all the activities involved that are far removed from my daily life, I thought it would help me get into "vacation mode" to have a Bond Day where I do a few of them.  Here's the first installment.

typed on Torpedo, for the exciting, dangerous-sounding name.

Sonny, I've lost more balls than you ever had!
typed on Olympia SM-3, for the proper 1950's cold-war feeling

I'll continue soon with the pistol range and the casino.


  1. Pistol range? Now yer talkin'! :D

  2. Ha, ha! Excellent. Now, have you had your sixtieth cigarette for the day yet?

    1. Haha no, and I'm way behind on my drinking as well.

  3. Always entertaining.
    Whenever you get a pond ball...
    "Pond. James Pond."


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