Monday, December 23, 2013

outing and my stapler.

Ribbon needs replacement.

And to cap things off, here is my entry in the stapler fixation meme.
It's called a Presto Deluxe from the 50's I think. It takes an odd-size refill, of which it has only a few left.  I have seen them on ebay, however, should I become desperate.  Silly me - had I but known I could have photographed the flotilla of staplers we had at work after our office remodel.  We each had our own, plus there were five strays, of varying sizes.  Most are gone now, borrowed by visitors I think.  It was funny while it lasted.


  1. Wow ... orca pods! And a cute li'l stapler.

  2. Come to mention it, the Presto is a bit whale-like!

  3. Orca pods. Neat. I've only seen Sperm whales off-shore here.
    Good that you can still get out biking. It's been quite hot here and I have not gotten out :(

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Sperm whales are amazing. I'd love to see one of those.

  4. Merry Christmas - good luck finding those Presto #165 staples! If I come across a box, I'll pick it up for ya (:

    1. That's right, you have those bagged items in your Goodwills don't you?

    2. Yeah - I sometimes get random vintage staples and other office fasteners in a bag along with something else I wanted like typewriter ribbons or neat pens/pencils. Turns out that's handy, as I just picked up a stapler that uses "pitched roof" B8 (Swingline 888) staples... which I happened to have a box of :D

      Heh, I can envision a "staple exchange" board popping up soon, to service Typospherians with unique stapler fuel needs.

  5. The Staplerverse? I miss the birds of WA.


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