Sunday, December 29, 2013

outing without my own typewriter

Today we went up to Seattle (because we know where we can park free along a bike trail) and had a nice ride.

At the locks we saw a few birds.

heron nests


Then across the Fremont bridge, we found the Saturday market, and sure enough there was a typewriter poet operating.  I didn't get a chance to chat, he had a line of customers.

Note the patch on his shoulder.  The shirt in the foreground was for sale in the booth next door.


  1. Good to see another happy and successful typewriter poet! This is one of the most prominent uses of typewriters in the 21st century, and I'm all for it.

  2. I second Richard, always cool to see a typewriter poet.
    Nice bird photos.

  3. The Insurgency is *everywhere*! :D


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