Most-used have been:
Olivetti Studio 45
Hermes 3000
Hermes Media until shifting got tiresome - 99% OCR!
Olympia SG-1
and today, Woodstock 5 - surprisingly llight carriage shift.
also used:
Everest K2 carriage shift hurting my hand, otherwise I love it
Underwood 319
Lettera 32 (script, brought to write in by mistake)
Studio 44, needs new ribbon
SM9 needs ribbon
Royal Aristocrat mushy margins (the magic has gone)
Remington Deluxe Model 5 gets stuck at center of line
Triumph DeJur heavy feel
Remington Noiseless fun to use but OCR is not up to needs.
here's the Woodstock
and here's a comparison from the Noiseless & the Woodstock, similar numbers of words, about 300 each.