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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

one more find


  1. Looks pretty much like my SCM Galaxie Deluxe, except in brown. What I have found is these SCMs don't look all that sexy and don't feel exotic to type on, but they work, are dependable and get the job done.

    I've thought about getting rid of mine, but when it comes down to it, its a reliable typewriter and is in good condition.

  2. I know! I'm noticing some things about this one i need to ask about on TYPEWRITERS. many pics of these have the jeweled escapement, but this one doesn't - someone escaped with the jewels i guess.

  3. It's a good typewriter and you got a nice deal on it. This, I think, is the ultimate development of the 50-year history of Smith-Corona basket-shifted portables, with nice features such as the power spacer and the exchangeable type (check out the type on your 1 and = keys).

  4. yeah i'm enjoying it. Nice metal case (in the mid-70's?) it's done two pages of noveling with almost no cleaning.
    I'll be searching madly for a set of changeable type for it next month. see my post on TYPEWRITERS.

  5. The SCM - Galaxie - Sterling Royals from the 60's and 70's are some of my very favorite. Bonus for the brown plastic.

  6. It's kind of an iconic look isn't it? I'd never even seen one up close before I found this being abused at that thrift store. very tight feel to the keys. I have to fix the 0 key though.


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