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Monday, March 26, 2012

more questions


  1. If there was a Goodwill bin over here, I would probably have thrice as many typewriters than what I currently have.

    That typeface is awesome.

  2. And this post reminds me how much I love Olympia script! Beautifully typed, Peter.

    Love your answers (although I see counting your typewriters and speaking about your shipping experiences are touchy subjects :)) and you have amazing luck to be located close to such fertile Goodwill stores.

  3. 10 years of shopping at the local Goodwill store and only about 3 or 4 typewriters; all wedges except one time they had a 1/2 real one, and electric Sears.

    Seems you count sort of like me. I never admit to exactly how many I have since there are always a few in the shop and some awaiting sale.

    Nice post. It'd be nice if more typospherians answered some of the questions.


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