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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

stealing the update just to update idea

 I sure do like typing on the Lettera 32.  I used the Underwood 21 to fill out a form and it felt heavy.
Here are a few pics from last spring's tulip festival, just because Spring and Fall have similar weather here. These haven't been processed - I just manually adjusted the exposure because my camera tends to wash out


  1. Wow! News from Brandeis; that must have made your day :) It's a good sign. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it works out; you deserve a break!

    Congratulations on winning the comic book! Great sentence, although I am lacking the cultural reference to understand it fully... *off to Google*

  2. I have an HH and it is one of my favorites, in fact the "goto" one of all of them.


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