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Friday, October 21, 2011

Typecast is still on the platen

Since I'm never home, it seems, i'll post by phone today. Here are some things I've seen this week.
These are all from rePC in a five-minute sweep on my way to pick up my Lettera case.

too heavy to move so I don't know what model this is.  They had three selectrics across the aisle.

seen better days

TI99 4A in two different box styles

They must have had a lot of interest in this and got tired of answering.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Olympia office electric is neat looking. They just didn't stand much chance over here against the IBM typebar machines, if that's what people needed. The IBM's were and are so reliable and they had all kinds of neat colors to go along with it. All that being said I'd love to have one of these to play with. And a hoist to move it! Richard/Texas


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