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Thursday, July 19, 2012

LAX type-in

The west coast type-in was a success, in the cafe in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza hotel.  Here are the scans and pics.


  1. Great to see you West Coast typospherians getting together for a type-in. For a while there, I thought the blue Consul was a Nippo Argyle.

  2. It's such a good thing when typospherians can meet in the flesh and metal. Michael and I are going to try to get together in Orange County over the coming week sometime.

  3. The Typewriter Ambassador strikes again! Good job, Peter, at this rate everyone in the typosphere is going to have met you before long... how lovely!

  4. All Hail Peter, the Traveling Type-In! :D

  5. Wonderful you could all meet and do a bit of typing.

  6. I always enjoy meeting fellow typospherians, we have similarities and differences that are fun to explore. In this case, He uses ebay but not shopgoodwill while I'm the opposite. I'm going back in a couple of weeks, so maybe more can attend.

  7. All of these type-ins look like such a blast. I wish I could put one together, but no one would show (my luck) and I would be disappointed. Just need to wait for another to surface in PA, I suppose.

    My brother and I, a few years ago, wanted to get an old typewriter and take it into Starbucks with some printed pages of the internet in tow. After typing away for a while, we would approach one of the employees and complain that their wifi was not working. Showing them several of the printed google searches and whatnot, we would then show them one of those 'cannot access internet' pages rolled through the platen of the typewriter. How we laughed...but never got around to it...

  8. That sounds like a fin idea, let us know when you do it! You'll notice most of my type-ins get 3 or fewer participants. This one was just me and him but we both enjoyed it. People come and go, asking questions. We're evangelizing at these things, getting people used to seeing and hearing typewriters in public. I often type alone in public.

  9. Peter - you were quick to post the typecast and blog entry - i havent got around to it yet. hopefully tonight!
    Meeting up was certainly cool and typing out in public was fun!
    we shall certainly do it again!


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